For those who are eQuipt diehards and for those who are eQuipt Curious, we know this one is overdue. Now when you launch eQuipt for New Accounts, you have the option to create Entity Trust Clients and Account Records. This means you can use it to open:

Entity Trust Clients

Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts (Pershing)

Under Will and Under Agreement (NFS)

Inherited Roth IRA Trust
Inherited IRA Trust

After you’ve answered all the required questions, you’ll be able to search for an existing Entity Trust Client by Entity Name or by their Tax Identification Number.

The primary stages within the Investment Recommendation have remained the same.

Currently, there are no Invite Customer options available. This is something to watch out for in future release notes.

One of the first things you’ll notice when navigating through eQuipt is the new Knock Out Question: “Is this client a Person or an Entity”

You can use this new registration type the same as you would a Natural Person client record. You can: search for a client, create a new client, create a proposal, complete funding, and send it for eSignature.

After selecting Entity, you’ll answer the remaining questions to proceed.

To ensure that we had the most meaningful Trust Client rollout, we wanted to include the Qualified Registration Types, Inherited IRA Trust, and Inherited Roth IRA Trusts, as part of the release. After selecting or creating the Trust record, and completing the Investor Profile, the Inherited IRA and Inherited Roth IRA registration types now display under the Recommendation stage.

Inherited IRA and Roth IRA Trust

We can now scratch another registration type off our list! Our journey to achieve 100% registration type coverage has just gotten a little shorter. So, the next time you launch eQuipt for New Accounts, keep a lookout for a new option in the Registration Type dropdown: Sole Proprietor. But, don’t worry about having to learn something new. The flow and experience are entirely the same as any other Natural Person Registration Type.

Sole Proprietorship
Dusting off the Registration Types

The Duty of Care Product Selection now has an upgraded experience. Based on the program you select, it now only displays the applicable Product Types.

Duty of Care Updates

Thank you all, for reporting this issue. When these types of issues are brought to our attention, we make every effort to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. With this recent release, we removed the requirement to upload an IRS Form 5304-SIMPLE when opening a SIMPLE IRA Non-Brokerage account. The document upload requirement is now only required when opening a Pershing or NFS account.

Removed 5304 Requirement for NB SIMPLE IRAs

Another item reported by financial professionals was that the date of trust was not required when electing a trust as a beneficiary. Now, when indicating a Trust as a beneficiary, the Date of Trust will be required.

Date of Trust Required for Beneficiary
Fixture Upgrades
eQuipt for New Accounts

As Client Portal continues to become the center of the consumer experience, you have a lot of great new features to look forward to later this year. In the immediate term, the themes for the Client Portal are:

Bolster eDelivery
Improve Consumer Flows

Create and Maintain Consistent, Quality Webpages and Email Communications

When a client or prospect uses eQuipt, they can now update their email and phone number associated with their eQuipt User Profile.

Email & Phone Edits Result in Email Notifications
Updates to Client Commuinications

After the changes have been saved, eQuipt generates an email notification informing them of the change.

NOTE: The “From Address:” will be “support@[ibd]” You can see in the SagePoint example below that the email is coming from

We added the Terms of Use and the eDelivery Terms and Conditions (as links) directly within the eConsent email invitations. Be on the lookout for other changes to email templates coming in the following months. We have a lot of enhancements in the works that will help improve the user experience of these types of client-facing communications.

Terms & Conditions included in eConsent Email

This was an exciting one to release! It gives Trust Under TIN Authorized Parties the ability to receive and eSign paperwork on behalf of the Entity Client. We are actively researching solutions to give Authorized Parties ongoing access to the Client Portal, so be on the lookout for some upcoming enhancements soon.

When an Authorized Party receives an email invitation to sign paperwork (like the example below) they can click the link in the email invitation, which launches a new session in their web browser. Prompting the Signer to verify their identity.

Entity Trust Clients eSignature Support
Let the Renovation Begin for Trust Under TIN

After the Authorized Party verifies their identity/authenticates, they can review the contents of the enrollment bundle and apply their electronic signature.
NOTE: Authentication is based on the identifiable information of the Authorized Party who received the email and not the Trust.

Once the Authorized Party has completed their signature, they are redirected to a Completion Page that informs them that their participation in the enrollment process is finished. If there are multiple signatories involved, the next Authorized Party will receive a similar eSignature email invitation, inviting the additional signer to participate in the process.

Statements and Tax Documents Disenrollment

Now when a client receives an eConsent enrollment invitation, and they have existing paperless preferences for Statements and/or Tax Documents, the system will not disenroll them from eDelivery for those two categories. It will keep their existing preferences. This issue would have affected clients who set their preferences in the legacy NetXInvestor or WealthScape Investor applications.

In the SagePoint Financial example below, you can see that a client has existing paperless preferences set for Statements and Tax Documents. You can also see that the client has Paperless Preferences for Trade Confirmations, Prospectus, and Proxy Communications. If this client were to receive an eConsent Invitation, eQuipt will leave the existing eDelivery preferences for Statements and Tax Documents as-is, and will only enroll Trade Confirms, Prospectus, and Proxy Communications in eDelivery. The system will no longer disenroll the client from eDelivery for Statements and Tax Documents if they already have existing paperless preferences established.

Routine Pest Control
eQuipt Client Portal

Unverified: New addresses that have not received an eConsent Email

Valid: An email address has successfully received an eConsent Email

Invalid: An email address that has been rejected by the email service provider (ex. Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.)

Verification Added for Client Emails

This should make it simple for you to know what’s going on with your eConsent invitations without a whole lot of effort on your part.

Send Disclosures
Bells and Whistles

Have you ever wanted to scroll in your “Select All” pop-up, but found that you couldn’t? Well, now you can. We know, we know. But if pennies make dollars, then you can expect to see these types of small fixes add up to big improvements.

Fixed Scrolling Issue When Inside “Select All” Pop-Up
Honorable Mention
eQuipt Dashboard

Yes, there is an eQuipt for Financial Planning.
Yes, it has the same eQuipt benefits of Digital Client Engagement.
Yes, you can electronically sign Financial Planning Agreements using it.
Yes, clients can pay their invoices using an integrated payment processing service that supports Credit, Debit, and ACH funding methods (that was a mouthful).

Most importantly, you can
try it out if you’ve never used it before. If you have already used it, eQuipt for Financial Planning will also be getting a renovation to address some less than ideal user experiences you’ve brought to our attention.

The Client Relationship Summary (Form CRS) is now included in every eSignature bundle for Financial Planning Services.

CRS Now Included in Client Agreements
Reg BI Delivery
eQuipt for Financial Planning

We also hope you enjoyed reading these release notes as much as we enjoyed writing them, but more importantly we hope you found them useful.

In the coming months, we will be releasing new features that emphasize our commitment to eDelivery enablement and User Experience improvement in eQuipt Dashboard and Client Portal. At the same time, we’ll be continuing our mission of 100% Client and Account Registration Type support in eQuipt for New Accounts.

The eQuipt Team
All the best,
See You Soon!
Updates for 3.12.2021
Financial Planning
Reg BI Delivery

CRS Now Included in Client Agreements

Bells and Whistles

Verification Added for Client Emails

Honorable Mention

Fixed Scrolling Issue When Inside Select All Pop-Up

Client Portal
Updates to Client Communications

Terms & Conditions Included in eConsent Email

Let the Renovation Begin for Trust Under TIN

Entity Trust Clients eSignature Support

Routine Pest Control

Statements and Tax Documents Disenrollment

eQuipt for New Accounts

Dusting off the Registration Types

Entity Trust Clients

Inherited IRA  and Roth IRA Trust

Sole Proprietorship
Fixture Upgrades
Duty of Care Updates

Date of Trust Required for Beneficiary

Removed 5304 Requirement for NB SIMPLE IRAs

Overdue Renovation

For those who are eQuipt diehards and for those who are eQuipt Curious, we know this one is overdue. Now when you launch eQuipt for New Accounts, you have the option to create Entity Trust Clients and Account Records. This means you can use it to open:

Entity Trust Clients

Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts (Pershing)

Under Will and Under Agreement (NFS)

Inherited Roth IRA Trust
Inherited IRA Trust

After you’ve answered all the required questions, you’ll be able to search for an existing Entity Trust Client by Entity Name or by their Tax Identification Number.

The primary stages within the Investment Recommendation have remained the same.

Currently, there are no Invite Customer options available. This is something to watch out for in future release notes.

One of the first things you’ll notice when navigating through eQuipt is the new Knock Out Question: “Is this client a Person or an Entity”

You can use this new registration type the same as you would a Natural Person client record. You can: search for a client, create a new client, create a proposal, complete funding, and send it for eSignature.

After selecting Entity, you’ll answer the remaining questions to proceed.

To ensure that we had the most meaningful Trust Client rollout, we wanted to include the Qualified Registration Types, Inherited IRA Trust, and Inherited Roth IRA Trusts, as part of the release. After selecting or creating the Trust record, and completing the Investor Profile, the Inherited IRA and Inherited Roth IRA registration types now display under the Recommendation stage.

Inherited IRA and Roth IRA Trust

We can now scratch another registration type off our list! Our journey to achieve 100% registration type coverage has just gotten a little shorter. So, the next time you launch eQuipt for New Accounts, keep a lookout for a new option in the Registration Type dropdown: Sole Proprietor. But, don’t worry about having to learn something new. The flow and experience are entirely the same as any other Natural Person Registration Type.

Sole Proprietorship
Dusting off the Registration Types
Duty of Care Updates

Thank you all, for reporting this issue. When these types of issues are brought to our attention, we make every effort to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. With this recent release, we removed the requirement to upload an IRS Form 5304-SIMPLE when opening a SIMPLE IRA Non-Brokerage account. The document upload requirement is now only required when opening a Pershing or NFS account.

Removed 5304 Requirement for NB SIMPLE IRAs

Another item reported by financial professionals was that the date of trust was not required when electing a trust as a beneficiary. Now, when indicating a Trust as a beneficiary, the Date of Trust will be required.

Date of Trust Required for Beneficiary
Fixture Upgrades
eQuipt for New Accounts

As Client Portal continues to become the center of the consumer experience, you have a lot of great new features to look forward to later this year. In the immediate term, the themes for the Client Portal are:

Bolster eDelivery
Improve Consumer Flows

Create and Maintain Consistent, Quality Webpages and Email Communications

When a client or prospect uses eQuipt, they can now update their email and phone number associated with their eQuipt User Profile.

Updates to Client Commuinications

After the changes have been saved, eQuipt generates an email notification informing them of the change.

NOTE: The “From Address:” will be “support@[ibd]” You can see in the SagePoint example below that the email is coming from

We added the Terms of Use and the eDelivery Terms and Conditions (as links) directly within the eConsent email invitations. Be on the lookout for other changes to email templates coming in the following months. We have a lot of enhancements in the works that will help improve the user experience of these types of client-facing communications.

Terms & Conditions included in eConsent Email

This was an exciting one to release! It gives Trust Under TIN Authorized Parties the ability to receive and eSign paperwork on behalf of the Entity Client. We are actively researching solutions to give Authorized Parties ongoing access to the Client Portal, so be on the lookout for some upcoming enhancements soon.

When an Authorized Party receives an email invitation to sign paperwork (like the example below) they can click the link in the email invitation, which launches a new session in their web browser. Prompting the Signer to verify their identity.

Entity Trust Clients eSignature Support
Let the Renovation Begin for Trust Under TIN

After the Authorized Party verifies their identity/authenticates, they can review the contents of the enrollment bundle and apply their electronic signature.
NOTE: Authentication is based on the identifiable information of the Authorized Party who received the email and not the Trust.

Once the Authorized Party has completed their signature, they are redirected to a Completion Page that informs them that their participation in the enrollment process is finished. If there are multiple signatories involved, the next Authorized Party will receive a similar eSignature email invitation, inviting the additional signer to participate in the process.

Statements and Tax Documents Disenrollment

Now when a client receives an eConsent enrollment invitation, and they have existing paperless preferences for Statements and/or Tax Documents, the system will not disenroll them from eDelivery for those two categories. It will keep their existing preferences. This issue would have affected clients who set their preferences in the legacy NetXInvestor or WealthScape Investor applications.

In the SagePoint Financial example below, you can see that a client has existing paperless preferences set for Statements and Tax Documents. You can also see that the client has Paperless Preferences for Trade Confirmations, Prospectus, and Proxy Communications. If this client were to receive an eConsent Invitation, eQuipt will leave the existing eDelivery preferences for Statements and Tax Documents as-is, and will only enroll Trade Confirms, Prospectus, and Proxy Communications in eDelivery. The system will no longer disenroll the client from eDelivery for Statements and Tax Documents if they already have existing paperless preferences established.

Routine Pest Control
eQuipt Client Portal

Unverified: New addresses that have not received an eConsent Email

Valid: An email address has successfully received an eConsent Email

Invalid: An email address that has been rejected by the email service provider (ex. Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.)

Verification Added for Client Emails

This should make it simple for you to know what’s going on with your eConsent invitations without a whole lot of effort on your part.

Bells and Whistles

Have you ever wanted to scroll in your “Select All” pop-up, but found that you couldn’t? Well, now you can. We know, we know. But if pennies make dollars, then you can expect to see these types of small fixes add up to big improvements.

Fixed Scrolling Issue When Inside “Select All” Pop-Up
Honorable Mention
eQuipt Dashboard

Yes, there is an eQuipt for Financial Planning.
Yes, it has the same eQuipt benefits of Digital Client Engagement.
Yes, you can electronically sign Financial Planning Agreements using it.
Yes, clients can pay their invoices using an integrated payment processing service that supports Credit, Debit, and ACH funding methods (that was a mouthful).

Most importantly, you can
try it out if you’ve never used it before. If you have already used it, eQuipt for Financial Planning will also be getting a renovation to address some less than ideal user experiences you’ve brought to our attention.

The Client Relationship Summary (Form CRS) is now included in every eSignature bundle for Financial Planning Services.

CRS Now Included in Client Agreements
Reg BI Delivery
eQuipt for Financial Planning

We also hope you enjoyed reading these release notes as much as we enjoyed writing them, but more importantly we hope you found them useful.

In the coming months, we will be releasing new features that emphasize our commitment to eDelivery enablement and User Experience improvement in eQuipt Dashboard and Client Portal. At the same time, we’ll be continuing our mission of 100% Client and Account Registration Type support in eQuipt for New Accounts.

The eQuipt Team
All the best,
See You Soon!
Updates for 3.12.2021